News list for " schiller"

Argentina promotes local implementation of cryptocurrency-powered reforms through the "Crecimiento" movement

On August 26th, CoinDesk columnist Benjamin Schiller wrote that Argentina is now on the verge of a technological renaissance. Argentina has long been a symbol of economic instability, but now it is becoming an experimental ground for global economic transformation through cryptocurrencies. In the context of soaring inflation and high debt, Argentina is using cryptocurrencies as a tool to stabilize the economy and drive growth. With the United States...

2024-08-26 11:49:04

8月26日消息,CoinDesk专栏作者Benjamin Schiller发文称,阿根廷现在正处于科技复兴的边缘。长久以来,阿根廷一直是经济不稳定的象征,但现在,它正通过加密货币成为全球经济转型的实验场。在通货膨胀飙升和债务压顶的背景下,阿根廷正将加密货币作为稳定经济和推动增长的工具。随着美...

2024-08-26 11:49:04